When it comes to the male aesthetic, there are certain facial features that are highly coveted. A strong and well-defined chin is one facial feature that can enhance the masculine appeal of the face and profile. Many men have an attractive jaw shape that is concealed by fat accumulation under the chin and jaw that creates a bulbous appearance in the area.
Men who want to enhance the definition and appearance of their jaw can solve their aesthetic issues with Kybella, an FDA-approved injectable treatment that targets and permanently destroys fat cells under the chin.
Using precise injections, Kybella will help to sculpt your chin and jaw to create a chiseled and masculine appearance. Multiple treatments can be performed until your desired appearance is attained.
Don’t let pesky chin fat impact your appearance and confidence – contact Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeons to schedule a consultation for your Kybella injections. We can provide you with a masculine and attractive jawline.