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Woodbury, MN 651-495-6865

St. Paul, MN 651-254-8290


How to Get Rid Of Your Leg Veins So You Can Feel Good in Your Swimsuit

Published on June 7, 2018

Do your leg veins make it difficult for you to feel comfortable in your swimsuit? Even if you have silky-smooth legs with a beautiful complexion, having noticeable leg veins can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. There are treatment

Tired of Shaving Your Bikini Zone?

Published on May 29, 2018

One of the worst things about getting your body ready for the beach is taking care of your unwanted body hair. Your bikini zone and armpits are incredibly sensitive areas, which makes it so much harder to shave, pluck, or

Having Trouble Breathing Through Your Nose?

Published on May 11, 2018

Are you having problems breathing through your nose? It may not just be a stuffy nose or the beginning of a cold. If you’re constantly struggling to breathe through your nose properly, you may be suffering from an obstruction of

The Amazing Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

Published on April 19, 2018

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is one f the most popular cosmetic procedures available. It has provided countless people with he tight and toned stomach that they have always wanted. The tummy tuck procedure provides a number of

Vanquish ME Special: Get Your Body Ready for the Summer

Published on April 12, 2018

Are you in a rush to get your body summer-ready? It can take quite a bit of time to get your thighs, midsection, and upper body ready for swimsuit season. At Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons, we can help you attain

Has Having a Child Ruined the Results of Your Breast-Augmentation Surgery?

Published on March 30, 2018

The breast-augmentation procedure is designed to provide long-lasting results, but there are some factors that can diminish the quality of your results quickly. One of these factors is pregnancy. Women who have a child after their breast-augmentation procedure may notice

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Published on March 8, 2018

Are you unhappy with the aging appearance of your face? While it is impossible to stop the aging process, you can reverse the visual signs of aging on your face by receiving a facelift. In general, a good candidate for

Will My Insurance Cover the Cost of My Upper-Eyelid Lift?

Published on February 26, 2018

In some cases, severe sagging in the upper eyelid can results in a decrease in a person’s field of vision. This means that the procedure may be covered by the person’s insurance. One of the documents you will need to

What Can Botox Do for Me?

Published on January 30, 2018

You can treat a lot of different aesthetic facial issues with Botox. That is why Botox has remained one of the most popular options for facial rejuvenation. Botox is an FDA-approved cosmetic injectable that can be used to reduce the

Arm Lift: Will There Be Noticeable Post-Surgical Marks?

Published on January 5, 2018

The arm lift procedure involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the upper arms. This means that incision will need to be made on the upper arm. Many people are afraid of incisions because they can possibly leave

Please call the practice for any inquiries

We offer complimentary consultations for cosmetic and skin rejuvenation services. For other procedures, patients are responsible for any health insurance co-pay or deductibles.

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